Tail call optimization
The Error
uncaughtException Maximum call stack size exceeded
This is specifically for nodejs RECURSIVE functions. When you know your recursive function is completing (you can use a smaller dataset and it works perfectly), and you receive a call stack size exceeded error when running a full dataset.
The Solution
The quick fix is to set the stack size higher when you start node, however this doesn’t fix the root of the problem.
node --stack-size=1200 index.js
Note that the 1200 is in kB, and the default is about 1MB.
The Solution 2 (Tail Call Optimization)
Not really sure what it is, I just did a lot of googling. Here are the main points and how I fixed my function since it’s hard to find online.
// stripped down function - not even sure if it works
// should split these camel cased words into single words
// DomainEndpointOptions => domain endpoint options
// EnforceHTTPS => enforce https
// RDSService => rds service
// azureTest => azure test
// ADHybridHealthServiceExtra LongVPC => ad hybrid health service extra long vpc
// this is not using Tail Call optimization
function recursiveFunctionBad(str){
return [];
return [str];
return [str];
let results = [];
str = str.replace(/([A-Z][a-z0-9]+|[A-Z]+|[a-z0-9]+)([A-Z][A-z0-9]+)/g, '$1,$2');
str.split(',').forEach(row => {
results = [...results, ...recursiveFunctionBad(row)];
return results;
// the fixed function
// call with an empty 2nd argument
// recursiveFunctionFixed('some string', [])
function recursiveFunctionFixed(str, results){
return results;
return [...results, str];
return [...results, str];
str = str.replace(/([A-Z][a-z0-9]+|[A-Z]+|[a-z0-9]+)([A-Z][A-z0-9]+)/, '$1,$2');
let substr = str.split(',')[0];
str = str.split(',')[1];
return recursiveFunctionFixed(str, results);
So my understanding is you must remove “waiting for the response” inside the recursive function. All the “waiting” must be done in the return line. For recursiveFunctionFixed():
- I moved the results to be a part of the function arguments.
- Removed the results array from being created inside each call.
- Removed the forEach loop.
- Changed the stop recursion logic.
If done correctly, the call stack will not need to persisted through each recursion.